Our Values and Commitments

At Shells and Spells, we believe that a persons practice is their own and should never be commented on - unless it is harmful to communities or illegal. It is the practitioners right to act within their own traditions, ethics and moral code. 

Cultural Sensitivity

One of the most problematic behaviours in the witchcraft community, and in the world at large, is cultural appropriation. At Shells and Spells, we support BIPOC communities, and are trying to decolonize our practice. As such, there will be no white sage or any other products which belong to indigenous communities or closed practices in our store. The exception to that is some readings and items which use traditional techniques and rituals from a closed ancestral practice we belong to. All efforts are made to do our own research for this, but if anybody sees anything our website which goes against this value, please let us know.

Mundane Before Magical

Magic and witchcraft should not be used in place of healthcare. This does not take away the importance of traditional medicine used in BIPOC cultures. If you need medical attention, please seek it. This goes for physical or mental health. Always assume there is a mundane cause and solution first.

Spiritual Sensitivity

We respect nature and all creatures within the spiritual world and astral plane. But that doesn't mean we can't demand unwanted spirits leave if they are in your space. A side not to this is that we do our part for the environment. All packaging we use is recyclable, and processed in ways which do minimal harm to the world around us.


Shells and Spells is owned and ran by a neurodiverse non-binary AFAB, LGBT+ person with multiple disabilities. We do not discriminate based on protected characteristics and we celebrate the inherent differences of the humans, animals, plants and spirits around us.