Plant of the Week: White Sage

Plant of the Week: White Sage

White sage (Salvia Apiana) is a plant native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. Today, it is commonly used to ‘smudge’ or cleanse homes. It is used by indigenous persons as part of their ceremonies. Until 1978, it was illegal in the US for indigenous persons to practice their culture and so using white sage to cleanse could get them jailed or worse. In recent years, using white sage has become a trend. The plant has been over harvested and harvested incorrectly, leaving it nearly impossible for indigenous persons to carry out their practices. Those using it do not consider the complicated history and cultural significance of white sage. It represents the sacrifice and pain of the indigenous and their ancestors. To use it is to appropriate an already marginalised closed practice. Other types of sage and herbs provide the same benefits without the cultural significance we have no right to. Using these to cleanse instead would be just as good at cleansing negative energy, is more culturally sensitive and helps to prevent and endangered plant from dying out! Shells and Spells is committed to spreading awareness of this issue. You can find and appropriate alternative with our crystal infused, smokeless cleansing sprays.

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